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Tasmanian Land Use - 2001

ISO19115/19139 XML
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::Identification info
Title:  Tasmanian Land Use - 2001
Date:  2013-06-05T11:37:00
Date type:  creation
Abstract:  Bureau of Rural Science contracted DPIWE to create a land use dataset for Tasmania. The project ran from September 2001 to March 2003. Mapping was at two different scales; 1:25000 for areas of the state under extensive agriculture and 1:100000 for the remainder. Ancillary data sets and SPOT satellite imagery were obtained to map Australian Land Use and Management Classification categories Version 5 (ALUMC). The ALUMC were strongly mapped for categories 1, 2, 5 & 6, where as 3 & 4 were only mapped with plantation data, dairy locations, vineyards(50%) and vegetation data approximating modified pastures.
Status:  completed
::Data Point of contact
Organisation name:  Dept of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
Position name:  Section Leader, NRM Liaison and Information Management
Voice:  03 6336 5276
Facsimile:  03 6336 5111
Postal Address:  PO Box 46
City:  Kings Meadows
State:  Tasmania
Postcode:  7249
Country:  Australia
E-mail:   nrmdatalibrary@dpipwe.tas.gov.au
OnLine resource:  http://nrmdatalibrary.dpiw.tas.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home
Role:  custodian
Maintenance and update frequency:  irregular
Name:  Tasmanian Land Use - 2002
Edition:  2002
Descriptive keywords:   LAND-Use (theme).
Spatial representation type:  vector
Unit of measure:  1:25,000 & 1:100,000
Language:  English
Topic category:  environment
::Geographical Extent
::Geographic bounding box
North bound latitude
West bound longitude

East bound longitude
South bound latitude
::Temporal Extent
Data Capture Begin date:  2001-09-01T19:00:00
Data Capture End date:  2003-03-01T21:00:00
::Data quality info
Hierarchy level:  dataset
Lineage:  The dataset was constructed by satellite image interpretation, air photo interpretation, and incorporation of ancillary data. SPOT satellite imagery was the primary spatial data source for most of the study area, mostly from the SPOT4 platform, providing 4 spectral bands with 20m resolution. A selection of 15 images was chosen for low cloud/haze, low sensor viewing angle, currency, and season. Cloud conditions necessitated the selection of images from a variety of dates, with most being more recent than January 2000. The exception was King Island, for which the most recent useable image was from February 1998, and from the SPOT 2 platform (3 bands). Air photos and orthophoto mosaics were used in a few areas where satellite imagery was cloudy. 1:20,000 or 1:42,000 high-resolution colour photos were used with caution, as many were from 1996 - 2000. Key ancillary data used in the project include - Tasveg vegetation mapping, comprising detailed forest and non-forest mapping at 1:25,000 scale no older than 5 years throughout Tasmania, and regularly updated. Forest group type mapping from Forestry Tasmania and Private Forests Tasmania. Local government planning schemes, except Clarence municipality State cadastre. State tenure.Digital planning schemes.Reserves mapping August 2001. Private Reserves Digital topographic maps. Mining lease maps - October 2001. Marine farm location maps. Viticulture location map. Drainage digital map. Road digital map. Irrigation licence location, point data. Dairy location, point data. Tasmanian Agricultural Product Database (TAPDB) of grazing animals point data. The project used the ALUM version 5 classification system, which was developed for land use mapping throughout Australia. Most features were only mappable to the minimum level of attribution. Mapping guidelines stipulated that - Prime land use is determined on the basis of the primary management objective of the land manager Land use classes should be allocated at a particular point in time (date of satellite imagery) Areas should be assigned to irrigation if permanent infrastructure for irrigation is present. Areas of vegetation likely to be grazed should be assigned to 2.1.0 (grazing natural vegetation) or 3.2.0 (grazing improved pasture) Methodology Each land use map was created from pre existing digital data, with additional agricultural data added from satellite imagery The usual method was to create a new map from digital tenure layer and reclassify features within this map â¿¿ Reserves, Rivers, State Forest, Hydro features etc. Add areas appropriate to ALUM category 5 (INTENSIVE USES). These are generally sourced form local government planning schemes. Add private timber reserves (PTR), private reserves (PRFA, PAOPL), vineyards, marine fishing zones and land based aquaculture sites, mining areas (either from visual inspection of imagery or from Mining Lease dataset), major vegetation features (remnant vegetation, grazing natural vegetation, from Tasveg and RFAforest mapping) and water features including rivers and dams (from drainage layer and imagery analysis). Finally additional plantations not represented as PTRs are added to each map. Initially maps were created with all these elements at the outset via the overlay operation in Genamap, generally resulting in significant time lost to data cleaning. Most maps were subsequently created by an overlay of tenure, PTRs, plantation and dams, and planning schemes, with vegetation and agricultural features digitised in last Satellite imagery for many mapsheets was plotted and sent to regional land management experts, who identified agricultural land use for ALUM categories 3 & 4. This data is then digitised onto each map and, voila, a land use map is completed. Limitations Only major highways have been mapped, unless they appear in Tenure layer or planning scheme. Only farm dams greater than 0.25 ha have been added, and only in areas mapped at 1:25 000. Rural residential areas have been added from planning schemes and occasionally from cadastre, and override any other land use features. Agricultural features have been mapped at the time of satellite imagery. Some fuzzy edge matching was required where adjoining satellite scenes were from different dates. The most recent scene was always used, unless its data was vastly inferior to an overlapping scene. Agricultural mapping is dependent on skills and experience of those attributing the images. Very little time has been available for additional field checking. Most cropping and horticulture has been mapped as irrigated, unless those doing the attributing specifically remember areas of dryland agriculture. Irrigated pastures are largely mapped as they appear on imagery. All areas of State Forest are mapped as either 2.2.0 (Production Forestry) or 3.1.0 (Plantation Forestry). Plantations within State Forests are poorly delineated, if at all, especially at 1:100 000 scale Separation of cropping from vegetable growing (perennial or seasonal horticulture) proved to be very difficult. Where difficulty occurred, they were mapped as cropping. (Such areas are likely to be in a rotation pattern anyway). Many orchards, especially new ones, are likely to have been missed.
::Reference system info
Title:  EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset
Spatial Reference System Code:  GDA94/ MGA zone 55 (EPSG:28355)
::Distribution info
::OnLine resource
Data for download:  Landuse_RMCversion_Tas_Var_122001.gdb.zip
Organisation name:  Dept of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
Position name:  Section Leader, Sustainable Landuse and Information Management
Voice:  03 6336 5276
Facsimile:  03 6336 5111
Postal Address:  PO Box 46
City:  Kings Meadows
State:  Tasmania
Postcode:  7249
Country:  Australia
E-mail:   nrmdatalibrary@dpipwe.tas.gov.au
Role:  custodian
::Metadata constraints
Use limitation:  All use must be in accordance with Data Conditions of Use within the DPIW-NRM Service Level Agreement for Data and Information Management
Use constraints:  copyright
::NRM Project Info
Project Name:  Tasmanian landuse 2002
NRM Region:  Cradle Coast, North, South
Funding Source:  State Govt
Project Start Date:  2001-09-01
Project Completion Date:  2003-03-01
::Metadata Author
Organisation name:  Dept of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
Position name:  Section Leader, Sustainable Landuse and Information Management
Role:  author
File identifier:   c82072d4-17d7-48ee-be9c-5f30d46a3826
Language:  English
Character set:  utf8
Hierarchy level:  dataset
Metadata standard name:   ISO 19115:2003/19139
Metadata standard version:   1.0
Date:   2018-02-14T11:31:56

This page has been developed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
Questions regarding the content may be directed to:
Email: nrmdatalibrary@dpipwe.tas.gov.au
Mail: PO Box 46, Kings Meadows, Tasmania, Australia 7249
Telephone: (03) 6336 5276.

The URL for this site is http://nrmdatalibrary.dpiw.tas.gov.au.

You are directed to the disclaimer and copyright notice governing the information provided on this site.
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